Friday, October 2, 2009

I just read the story from Tabloid Baby about Merle Haggard, now here we have us a true legend I remember seeing him live in Reno, it was quite a few years ago. It was actually a show where Clint Black was supposed to be the headliner, Lori Morgan was also performing, but let me tell you when that man and I am talking about Merle walked out on stage the entire place was on their feet, he was so amazing, and amazed, he was actually obviouslly in total shock by the reaction of the fans, but let me tell you he deserved that and so much more, there isn't a song he has ever done that I don't like and they are all amazing, as is he, I just love him to pieces but at the sametime I am so po'd, as today there is so very much crap and thats just what it is and they try to pass it off as country, the real country is the "Hag" and ofcourse Willie, Waylon, we can never forget "The Man in Black" I mean Johnny Cash was awesome and I know he as well as the Hag gave so very much of themselves to put country music on the map and today they are all hard pressed to even get their songs played, Kris is another and we all know full well he is an amazing artist however he too I can't remember the last time I have heard any of their music on the radio, I either go to You Tube orelse I play my cd's it is my way of keepin it country cause the garbage they play now sure isn't country theres a couple who are good and they do deserve the airplay however the more country they sound the less they are played, instead we get stuck with the likes of Sugarland, come on now they aren't country I wish she'd go to rock where she wants to be with her lover Joan Jett we'd all be better off, and they aren't the only ones anyhow I love me my Merle he is amazing and anything he says is kool by me! Keep on trucking Merle just head your bus this a way okay, sure do miss you!!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Joan Jett living and she sure isn't being honest...

Okay, I am like the rest of the people out there an honest person, at least I would like to believe that most people are, however I was doing a search on JJ to come across the 1st one and under her biogrophy she claims to have soul handidly created the all girl band who were later to be heard by Kim Fowley who changed their name to the Runaways! Now I don't know about the rest of you but pleeeeeeeeeeeze anywhere you look the truth is there except ofcourse if a person was to go to the Joan Jett page where under her bio it reads as I just said. It really saddens me, I remember Sandy West real well, not a day passes I don't think of her, she lived with me in California and yes to say I loved her would be accurate. I had never heard of the Runaways but she did show me their albums even playing some for me, I could tell she loved being in the band and that she missed it dearly is to put it mildly. Not a day passed she didn't play her drums, we would go down to the beach be there for awhile and she'd say hey how about going to the studio for awhile ofcourse I never did mind as I loved watching her play the hell out of those drums and she sang damn good too! If you don't believe me just go to You Tube and see for yourself. If you watched the awesome film Edgeplay done by Vikki Blue than you know already this is a total bunch of bull as far as her being the one who started her all girl band, Kim Fowley was approached by Sandy and she told him she was a drummer interested in starting an all girl band, he then gave Joan her phone number she bussed it to Huntinton Beach where Sandy lived and they played several tunes together then phoned him and let him listen he knew magic when he heard it then the rest was him scouting for the remainder of what was to be the Runaways. You know the thing that irks me more than anything noway in hell would she do the one thing for Sandy that she wanted more than anything in the world and that was a reunioun tour, but by golly she sure has no problem in making money off her name now that she has died and the rest of us who miss and love her, sit by and watch her pull yet another stunt, hell do you know one idiot had the nerve to tell me how very nice Joan was.....she sent a limo to pick Sandy up now you do know and realize Sandy was very sick by this time, a "NORMAL" person would have been in the limo and met her themselves, but every now and then a idiot is born and that is what I thought of the person who said to me but oh no Joan was nice to Sandy she even sent her limo to pick her up. You know Sandy and I were driving in Los Angeles, I'll never forget it we were on the Santa Monica Fwy, we had the radio on and suddenly Sandy is all happy she is jumping up and down, oh wow she said to me its Joan, her single I Love Rock&Roll was on and Sandy couldn't have been happier for her, she phoned Joan and congratulated her, Joan told her she was touring and coming out to California, she left Sandy's name at each venue she treated her misserably, I will never forget holding Sandy while she cried her heart out at being shut out and told Joan was not receiving, give me a break wow she does love to play the diva doesn't she! I was so happy because Cheap Trick were opening for Joan the samething had happened to Robin, well his mgr was po'd to put it mildly so as they were handling the sound, to say they got even is putting it mildly, oh my miss jett came running out on stage she grabbed the mic and notttaaaa............nope not a sound, oh the look on her face was priceless. Anyhow my point is Joan Jett is a miserable witch as far as I am concerned I know she has ooodles of dire loves who will no doubt be appalled that someone dare say anything negative about their precious Joan but its the truth, she broke Sandy's heart time and time again in life so now that Sandy is gone and can't defend herself I guess she has decided to keep on being what she does best a bitch! Oh I would so love to see her get her's and if theres any way possible I can do it, trust me I will, Joan how the hell do you look yourself in the mirror, this was suppossed to be your sister as you called her, mind you, you didn't even cancel your show when she died, hell no not Joan, money is far too important to you. Oh I ask you this do you sleep well at night, by the way the reason I was doing a search I saw her and she was bald, I was as Sandy would've been concerned that you may too have cancer so I was trying to find out, much to my shock and amazement when I found what I did, but I ask you how do you look yourself in the mirror each day and how the hell do you sleep at night, I hope you crash and burn for what you did to Sandy and for what you still are doing to her still today, without her you would never have been able to follow your dream of being a mini Suzi Quotro that in my opo is about what you are...........................

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Fear Sucks

Wow fear sure does suck, its such a massive strong feeling, and heck what do I do with it, how can I make it go away, I hate this feeling oh so much! Its funny all the folks keep saying to me how do you do it, how do you stay so very strong, how can you just be so positive, well inside its not that way, heck I am scared to death, huh what an odd choice of words for me to pick, as it is death that I am afraid of right now, damn it, I so badly want to just be able to make this damn disease dissapear of the face of the earth, not just for my sake but for all the people who suffer from it, damn it "CANCER YOU SUCK" I want to just go to the top of the highest building and scream it at the top of my lungs how very much I hate this blasted disease, I know if I did that I would likely feel awhole heck of alot better, or would I, gosh but I often wonder, but then again it is tempting. You know when I am up at the hospital and everyone and I do mean everyone is so damn sick, throwing their insides up, just going out of their minds, the tears seem to go on forever, its like nobody ever smiles, I try so very hard to stay strong, be positive but wow it is so very hard, I lost my Dad to lung cancer, I lost one of my Uncles to prostate cancer, one to stomach cancer, one to lymphoma and so on and so on.
The friends I have lost to this damn disease is utterly ridiculous, and each time another one says oh Nik I got some bad news today at the drs I am like please no, let them say anything but the c word, its like I hate the word. Not to be a bitch but hey where the hell does all the money go, each time I am paying attention it seems like there is another run, or a walk or something going on for cancer research or whatever, well I am not stupid do they think we are all dumb, like where is the cure, I have this super strong feeling that they do have one, but hell then they couldn't get all this money that they get so is that the answer, well I am hurting and I have to go spray my nitro before I no longer feel anything, so that it for this one.