Friday, January 1, 2010

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

My husband oh God what a wonderful life this man made for me, he was so amazing, I have never in my entire life loved or been loved as I was by him, Matt Groves is and always will be the greatest man I ever knew.

We found out six yrs ago he had somehow come down with leukemia, they gave him six months to live, I didn't know what to do as we couldn't get him a bed and three and a half months had passed, but God helped out, this woman was so ignorant, I had gone up to put us in for early voting and she said whats he wanna vote for he's dying, well the others heard her and the next day a bed was available. Not once did I ever hear this man complain, his only concern ever was for me and our baby "kiaa" he loved her as did I as if she was a baby not a cat. Oh he was only worried if God forbid he didn't make it through the chemo what would happen to us, how unselfish and how he loved us. I have never missed anyone in my life as I miss him, I so wish that God would have taken us both, its just so very hard being here without him, he was my whole life, his life was stollen from him, all he wanted was Christmas, but nope they went behind my back, contacted a brother who he had no contact with for yrs and wanted none, he had the nerve to go up, behind my back and stop all his transfussions with his pen. By the time I found out it was too late too much had happened he was so weak, he suffered so terribly, he wound up dying by choking on his own blood and they didn't even attempt to help him, as they said he was dying anyway, whatever happened to compassion is there any left in this world, I sure don't feel much like there is rightnow, God I loved that man with my all, I just wanted him to have his Christmas it meant so much to him, as last year he was in the other hospital all through the holidays. If only he would've been at that hospital I could've been with him as before stayed nights and never left him alone kept my eyes and ears wide open. These jerks would make me leave at 9pm and as I was leaving, now you do know you might get a call in the middle of the night, ironically the am of the meeting where I was to arrange for an ambulance to bring him home so I could look after him myself which is what he so wanted he died. Coincidence hard to believe if you had seen all I have. I just want you to know Baby I love you I always will, I miss you so very much I can't wait till I see you and we are together, God willing it will be soon!
You are and always will be the love of my life, you are my everything Baby, God how this hurts I can't make it stop, nothing helps, oh I misss you so,I didn't even know it was New Years.
Happy New Year Baby. I know they can't hurt you anymore, nobody will ever hurt you again, your my precious Baby and I am so happy they can't hurt you thats the one thing I am glad for I so wish I could've been there for you, I knew you needed me, I felt you so strong when I phoned they lied told me you were sleeping sound, I couldn't come up ofcourse, then a few hours later our phone rang and they said you need to hurry, 2minutes after I got to you they pronounced you dead. Baby I was there in 20 mins, its near impossible, I tried so hard, I pray you know, oh God how I need to know that, I love you my sweet, I miss you as does "kiaa" she often cries for you as do I, I have never stopped I don't know how to, however do I keeep going without you, and your brother is going to pay dearly for what he did to you thats a promise my love, I didn't know I could feel such hatred for anyone as I do him, how you suffered and all because of him and that nurse oh its not over its only begun I will do this for you at least, I will get justice for you I promise you that with my all, Matt I have always done whatever I could this time they tied my hands, well honey there untied now and this bitch will get you justice!