Sunday, January 16, 2011

Elvis Presley - How Great Thou Art 1977

I am posting this video for a trully special little girl, a real life "Angel" she is now with our Lord and Saviour! I am sure you have all heard of her her name is Christina Taylor, she was burried a few days ago in Tuscon Arizona. Sadly she was one of the people killed in that senseless killing rampage. I refuse to post her murderers name as he is not important the important one here is this precious little girl, her life was taken far too soon! This little "Angel" was born on Sept.11th the day the world stood still, our beautiful Twin Towers fell and oh God in Heaven so very very many lives were lost. This little girl was special from day one, she always wanted to do things and she did whatever she set her mind to. Infact she was the only girl playing ball on the baseball team, all the other players were boys but that didn't deter her, oh no Christina knew she was gifted and that she could do whatever she put her mind to, so she made the team. She was so young but already she was interested in Politics. She was elected to be the Class President so that was huge, wow she had won her first election, she was on her way. Well a dear friend of her's offered to take her to the Rally at the Safeway, ofcourse her parents had no problem with this as it was a great opportunity for Christina to meet a lady and shake hands with her, sadly she never got to shake hands with her as she was gunned down by a maniac before her dream could be realized.
It breaks my heart that this tiny soul is no longer with us, she was an inspiration to so very many people, this will sound so little but I must say it as to me it trully is alot, my doctors have been telling me you can't do this and you can't do that and well I been missing "Matt my husband" so very much" that I was going along with whatever they were saying I really didn't want to live anymore but when I read about this little girl and how much she had done, looked into those big brown eyes something happened to me, for the first time in a very longtime I decided I didn't want to die, I know it sounds morbid, but to be honest with all of you, I have been living my life for the day I'd die and join my husband, I knew it shouldn't be too long,well now I have decided to fight, I don't want to die, heck no I want to live, so I am going to die to live instead of the reverse.
I say God Bless You "Christina Taylor" because of your courage by golly I am going to give it my all, I am going to take a computer course so I can get a really good job and tell the govt where they can go pardon the punch but it is true lol.........."Rest in Peace You Sweet Angel" Oh God You are so very missed"!!!!!!!!!!!
love nikkixo

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