Thursday, January 13, 2011

Emerson Drive - When I See You Again

When I first heard this song, I thought right away of my beloved Matt, I miss him each and every single day, he'd of loved this song, I know he had people he missed and I thank God he can now talk with them each and every single day anytime he wants to, I hope he knows how missed and very loved he is and he always will be. I know they did this song because they too miss someone terribly they miss their beloved drummer, and I also Believe that he heard them singing and playing their insruments and it was for him, I have no doubt that he does indeed know, just like I Believe with all of my heart and soul that Matt hears this song and knows how much I miss him and look forward to seeing him again, but I also have learned something else, I am trying each and everyday of my life to live in the present and not just in the past, I have been trying to go forward, I remember a conversation I had with Matt, it was a good year before I lost him, the doctor's a couple of them had given up on him and he was no fool he knew it, so he too had begun to give up, I wouldn't let him, I heard what he was trying to tell me, to live, that I was still young, he even said I was good looking ( to him ) lol.. anyhow I cut him short, I even got alittle mad at him, I told him there wasn't another man alive I would ever be interested in, He was "My Soul Mate" I told him that then, and I tell him again today, however that day I got through to him, I told him he was listening to people who didn't even know him, I said Matt I know you better than anyone on this earth, I have spent many years with you night and day, I have gone through a couple of rounds of chemo with you, this doctor hasn't he doesn't know how it affects you, I reminded him of the ammount of pain meds they were giving to him, and God love him, I did get through and I asked him for one day to try to talk with the doctor when he came in the following morning he said okay, well the doctor who was on God Bless Him, he did listen and Matt was home for good 2days later, and he lived an entire year more, they wanted to put him in Palative Care, no more transfussions nothing except pain meds, well had they done that I'd have lost him then, thankfully this doctor had a heart and he gave me the benefit of the doubt, cut the pain meds off and thankfully he saw I was indeed right, Matt was sitting up eating breakfast when he next came in, he allowed him that afternoon home and the following day he discarged him, the doctor's are not always right, if you happen to be reading this, please if you have someone who is ill, be sure you have no doubt, remember you know your loved one better than they do, make absolute sure there trully is nothing that can be done you might just have your loved one awhole lot longer! I thank-you and wish you all the best! God Bless! xo

p.s."Baby" I love & miss you so very much, until we meet again!xoxoxo

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