Monday, July 26, 2010

An Amazing Young Man Who Touches My Heart!

I am wanting to tell you alittle bit about my own life and then I'll exsplain why I felt the need
to write this blog, I hope and pray after you read it you will perhaps tell someonelse and they
will inturn do the same and we can bring as much awareness to this problem as is humanly
possible. I thank-you for taking the time to read my personal story I am going to shorten it aot, as I want more to speak of Jimmy Wayen, he is my personal hero, for what he is doing!

Okay now I'll share just alittle about myself with you, when I was born, my birthmother had
tuberculosis, so I spent the first 9months of my life in a BCG Clinic, when I left it, she did manage to take me with her, then when children's service found me I was living in well suffice it to say no child should ever live in those kinds of situations especially a baby, and no baby should ever be touched in anyway except to be loved. I am going to leave that part there.
Okay now we jump to my foster home, I was Blessed these people loved me, however they feared my birthmother and with good reason, she did attempt to steal me from them a few times to no avail, and once I was alittle older I was terriffied of her, I was smart enough to know she didn't want me to be a mommy if you know what I mean, anyhow my foster parents moved, infact they even took me to Prince Edward Island when I was alittle over 11, I at the time was told it was vacation, later much later I found out they were once again running from her, anyhow this was alot to do for a child as we lived in Montreal, Quebec, and thats quite aways to go. These people were amazing, they ofcourse had their problems as all families do, but I always knew they loved me, I never even questioned it, the only time I asked any real questions was when I had gone to school and they said why is the name on this different from your's. I didn't know what to say, I had been told several times I was a foster kid, so I said well I am a foster kid, oh the teacher said, why, well i didn't know the answer to that one, this teacher kept asking questions for which ofcourse i had no answers which seemed to anger him, none the less i didn't know so how could i possibly answer.
I went home in tears as many of the kids had decided this was a great thing they had someone to tease, and wow someone knew, they were going to have a ball, ha ha your a foster kid, the funny part was thinking back on it now, not one of us knew what it meant so we were just a bunch of silly kids, however it hurt, I didn't like them chiming over and over ha ha foster kid, and so on. Well as I got near the corner of my street the mean kid who lived there over heard their teases, he was known for his meanness and he decided to join in in his way, he took out his pellet gun and shot be in the back of my leg, oh well now I was really bawling, I reached my house ran in just crying my heart out, my foster mom asked me what had happened, her youngest son had come home and was listening to see why I was crying so hard, when I showed her where the back of my leg was all blue and sore, oh he was furious, he took off and headed up the street he grabbed that mean kid and told him if you ever hurt my baby sister again I'll come back here and make you eat your gun, he also made him appologize to me and never again did he bother me. But wow he had called me his baby sister, not his foster sister, wow I can't even begin to tell you how wonderful that felt, infact it meant oh so much to me its why I had to share it with you.
Okay now things begin to change, a few more years have passed, actually about 1 and a half to be exact, then they asked me if I wanted to be adopted, they really felt awful later when they learned they couldn't do that, they needed alot more than my saying wow really I'll be a real daughter, they needed my birthmother to say yes, well she wasn't about to do that. Infact she had me taken out of that home and placed in juvenile hall, only the first night they had no room so I was at the woman's prison, i was in a cell all by myself and kept safe, in the morning they took me to this place called Ville Notre Dame, I'll never forget that place, you had a cell where you slept, then they had a room where all the kids were to spend most of their time, you ate your meals there, there was a tv everyone sat around the table and we were only allowed to talk when they told us it was alright. In the daytime they had these classes where they tought you to knit, they were teaching us to make these squares so we could make slippers, now just by listening I had managed to make my squares, then they noticed I was left handed, oh you can't be taught they said, I didn't understand what I had done wrong, but suddenly I was in this jail, that's what it was, there were bars on the windows, at night you were locked in, and now I was to be locked in for all the hours that the other kids spent in classes because of being left handed. Well the judge sent me to this place way out in the middle of nowher, oh how I hated being there, it was called Marian Hall, and it was hell I appologize but it was. Anyhow I ran away from there and wound up living on the streets, running from police, good grief, imagine being 13yrs old and suddenly you have gone from having someone love you enough they wanted to make you their real daughter to being in this God forsaken place, to living on the streets, it was interesting, trying to stay safe, staying in one place and then another, always scared the wrong person would come in, or you'd get hurt by someone, the strange thing is, back then they didn't have numbers you could call for help if you were a runaway teen, if they got you they put you in Laval, it was locked up 23 hours of the day, 1 hour a day you were allowed out to either go outside or you could go to the pool they showed everyone on tv, they didn't tell them the kids were lucky if they had time to even get wet, as by the time you walked all the way there you were just about out of time and your hour was almost up.
I also met quite alot of other kids in the same situation, scared, trying to stay out of them awful places, the sad thing was, many took chances they went with strangers who promised them all sorts of things, many I never saw again, I would hear from someone that they had been killed and left. I was afraid but determined to somehow get off those streets, I hated them I called them the mean streets as they had taken many of my friends, well I saw a sign for help wanted, I went in and the guy hired me, I worked there, and he was a really nice person, he allowed me one pair of jeans and a new top so I would look nice for my first day of work, I prayed I didn't get caught that night as I just had to make sure to pay this nice man back, he was a young guy and I am sure he knew I wasn't as old as I said I was but he gave me a chance and I didn't let him down, when I had saved enough money I decided I was leaving and I did, my foster family knew where I was, they helped me so I could go, and thats what I did. They knew I could never have any kind of a life there not with them as she wouldn't let me, she hated that woman because she was everything she was not, she loved kids, she had had many foster children I later learned. Both of them are deceased now, I will never forget them as long as I live, to me they are my family, as I know without a doubt they did love me. When I got married I told my husband all about them, he said they must have really loved you, then ofcourse him being him he added honey what's not to love. God how I miss him, he is with God now, we will be together again someday, I don't think it'll be too awful long as I am ill, but now its time to talk about this young man I told you I feel is 'MY HERO"!

Okay there is a youngman his name is Jimmy Wayne, you might very well have heard of him, he is one amazing young man, he is walking across America to bring help and attention to the homeless kids out there, especially ofcourse the foster children, as the likelihood is most are, these kids live each day in danger, so many people prey on kids these days, they use them for slavery, if they get a child and that child is sold into slavery there is nobody who will ever see that child again, its not a movie, its real life, these kids can be hurt, so easilly, I was very lucky, it doesn't happen to many, alot of these kids get caught up with drug dealers, they get them hooked so they want the dang crap, then the next thing you know these little kids are working the streets, they get em dressed up,make-up and voila, nobody is the wiser except that kid, thats crying on the inside and so terriffied but too scared to ask for help. However with someone like Jimmy Wayne on the way, they now have real hope, God Bless You Jimmy Wayne, you are wonderful, you will be the reason these kids survive, they'll be off the streets and become proud American's and all because of you. You know whatelse I think is so very wonderful, many an artist, be it a country artist, or a movie star, they help out with different charities, oh theres many, however what do they all do, think, you got it, they take out their check book and write a check, now I am not saying that theres anything wrong with that, but i believe what Jimmy realized was if he did that, folks would say oh wow that's kool, and he'd likely be on his own, however by doing what he is doing, he is grabbing the attention of all sorts of people. I was so touched, I can't begin to tell you, oh God how I wish I had a way to meet him when he gets to the end of the line, I'd grab him and give him the biggest of hugs, if I was healthy, didn't need a walker to walk (thus you know why I didnt' try to walk too) anyhow I would just hug him to pieces for what he is doing, he is amazing.
Now what I am hoping to do, if you read this please please tell your friends and so on, orelse just ask them to please please contact cnn, we just gotta bring as much attention to this as we possibly can, we can't let this go, we must help him, he is on a journey to help kids, one of these kids could very well be one of your's or a neighbour's perhaps someone you went to school with, their kid ran away, and because of this young man, these kids now have something they never had before and that's HOPE!!! I beg you please please contact cnn, also if you watch Ellen, she has millions of viewers, if we could get her to give him a shout out, it would be so huge, please help in anyway you can. He isn't asking you for money, just click on his link, follow him on twitter and pleasse please tell your friends.
I thank-you from the bottom of my heart for reading this, please do follow him and tell cnn you think Jimmy Wayne deserves to be covered, because By God he does!

God Bless!!!!!!! ((((hugs))))xo

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