Thursday, October 14, 2010

Well tonite I am just super po'd and so not feeling well so I decided to come to my private place
and write, somenights its helped me honestly to be here for another day, but in all liklihood I would have still been here no matter what. But now our govt of Alberta and the hardy har har what's is its name oh ya I gotts it, it is hon. Premierre Ed Stelmach, the biggest jerk ever and I got news for you, he is so full of crap, for the hell of it I wrote him a letter, I tried to exsplain to him that the AISH Dept. had ripped me off for the entire death benefit of 2500dollars and then to add insult to injury they turned around and took the extra 431.oo a month that I was getting and to be honest I really so can't believe it, they keep saying how its illegal for me to receive these funds, it is legal for me to go to work which they know damn well I cannot, however I asked them years ago for the chance to go to work, infact I wanted to first go to school, and they said they wouldn't waste their money because I wouldn't live long enough for it to be worth it to the govt. nice huh, well surprise I am still here and they could care less, infact I really do believe with all of my heart and soul what my beloved husband always told me he said they didn't want any of us to be alive after 50 cause they really can't afford for us to live that long, its awfully cold sounding but if you were living my life believe me you'd know its fact!! I mean they honestlly excpect me to be able to live and have any possible kind of possitive outlook on life, how the hell does one do that, when they lost the one person who meant more to them then anyone, they are now totally alone, save their doctor, and perhaps pharmacist, sad life sure but somehow I dreadfully get up everydamn day, only dissapointed that I did survive yet another day, not by choice thats for sure. Anyhow suppossedly they are checking into what I said, cause I know I am right I even have the cards to prove it, my husband collected a check from both govts. if it was legal for him it should be legal for me too, this is a load of crap and personally I am fed up of all the bullshit, AISH literally stole nearly 2000 dollars from a person who can't even go to the store and afford a quart of milk, this is a govt agency I am talking about, the one good thing is its the Federal Govt. and allthough our mayor didn't care the gentleman I spoke to surely did, God Bless Him he is a saint, she sounded alittle on the nervous side today,anyhow see ya I am gonna again attempt sleep and hope that Matt will come by for a visit!! Love you Matt, always & forever, your loving wifexoxoxooxox

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